Monday, January 24, 2011

Losing Weight is Hard

Stating the obvious, I know.
Now I'm going to state the brutally honest, in hope that it will embarrass me so much that something will have to change: I need to lose 30 pounds. I weigh more than my 5'10" male friend (I'm 5'3"). True, he's naturally very skinny, but still.
When I lived in NW Portland, I walked everywhere, and my weight was stable and reasonable. Now, I live too far to walk places, and must resort to going to the gym to get exercise. I've been going consistently once a week, but clearly, that doesn't cut it. I have a trainer (ending soon due to budgetary constraints), and I'm definitely stronger because of it, but as far as slimming down and cardiovascular health, I need to exercise more often. Now it's imperative that I make myself exercise regularly, because I won't have the weekly appointments with her anymore. I need to make an appointment with myself.
I have the pulse of a hamster. That's got to change.
My stomach looks like a kitten is living in it. That's got to change.
Bottom line: I'm wasting my remaining, fleeting youth.
I know how to eat well to feel well: lots of whole grains, fiber, fruits and vegetables, but I'm inconsistent about it. I hate wasting things, so I'm reluctant to throw out the junky stuff in my kitchen, even though they're bad for me.
So I'm aiming to go to the gym three times a week like I used to; that should improve things.
I realize that this is a boring post, but I wrote it for my benefit, not anyone else's.
OK, my moment of completely embarrassing disclosure: I weigh 157 pounds.
There, I said it.
I should weigh around 125.
Hopefully, I will be able to report back in a few weeks with a slight reduction. Progress. My hamster-like pulse calming down.
I'll let you know. For me, not for you.

1 comment:

Bellatrix said...

Heh, You should look into endocrine system balancing. Especially thyroid. But it is really all of it. So much to do. If you start looking into it, it may help you more then setting a goal at a weight loss. Weight is a manifestation/symptom of something causing it.
It is important to take care of ourselves and our health and bodies.
Good luck either way. :-)