Saturday, November 8, 2008

Conspiracy of Coincidence: aka Spain

I hadn't thought much about Spain recently, but it all came rushing back this week. Really, it all started on Wednesday. Wednesday was Aldo's (and Margaret's, but she doesn't fit the Spain pattern) birthday. Year 32, I believe. So I gave him a ring and he answered! In Spain! I got to hear Spanish dial tone! So I wished him happy birthday and we had our little broken English/broken Spanish conversation, just like when I was there. And then I remembered Spain. I love Spain. Here's a photo of Aldo and me. He's cute and funny.
Then, I was out on my lunchbreak today, and for once didn't have to do homework, so I read a book I had started before I began school: Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls:Where does it take place? Spain, during the Spanish Civil War. Sigh.
Then, I was reading this newsletter I get called "Goop," which had goings-on in various art museums in various cities, one of which was Madrid. OH! They mentioned a couple of museums that I had tried, and failed, to go to. Reiner Sofia, for example.
Finally, I picked out a movie to go see tonight with my friends, and decided on "TransSiberian." It takes place in Russia, on the TransSiberian railway, and involved gangsters. The cast advertised are all Americans and Brits. But sure enough, it was actually a Spanish film. In fact, the hottie from "Obre los Ojos" is in it.

I have to go back. I love Spain.

1 comment:

Michelle Lasley said...

Is it too late to check ticket prices, like maybe ticket prices for 6 months from now are super cheap? Maybe that's what the signs were saying? I'm hoping to live vicariously through you and your travel (and your law school adventures).