Saturday, November 1, 2008

As Promised...

I added photos of my new [haunted] house to my previous post. I shot them yesterday, on Halloween, as it seemed appropriate. Check them out!

I had the best Halloween in years yesterday. Before I left for class, we started carving our pumpkins. Then, at school, our professors let us out early, so I was able to get home by 8:45.
Arriving home, the scent of cake greeted me. Liz was baking my birthday cake! Also, they had roasted all the pumpkin seeds from the pumpkins that we had carved earlier.
So we hung out, watched the Blazer game (they won! By one point! Very exciting game!), ate roasted pumpkin seeds and pomegranate, and then got cozy with the cats and tried to watch a Spanish horror movie called "The Orphanage." It seemed better than most horror movies, but Joe and I both fell asleep, so I guess it wasn't all that exciting.
But anyway, it was an all-around excellent Halloween.

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