Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Odds and Ends

Lots of little unconnected things have been going on lately. Here's the rundown:

  • The tree is still on top of my parents' house, but that will be ending today, thanks to NWC Contracting and a crane. Yes, a CRANE. And, the tree will be turned into wood chips that I'm going to use to line my driveway, because it's gotten too muddy to park there as of late. Nothing wasted.
  • Bifur, who has been undergoing seemingly never-ending misery that all began with him peeing on blankets now has a new problem to add to the list: a cold. First, he had to spend the night at the vet to determine WHY he was peeing on things, then it was discovered that he had a urinary tract infection and worms. So because of that, he's been subjected to antibiotics being squirted in his mouth twice a day. But yesterday the poor kitty started coughing and sneezing, and this morning I saw him breathing through his mouth instead of his nose, i.e. he has a stuffy nose. He sat on the chair looking uncomfortable with his mouth hanging open. Liz said that last night he kept on doing that, combined with snuffling and sneezing. There's nothing so sad as a cat with a cold. Now my nose is a bit snuffly today. If it turns out I'm catching a cold, I'll know who to blame.
  • I have dancing friends! They're awesome! Friday night I met up with John for dinner, and then we met up with his friend Will at the Goodfoot, and we danced the night away. It was so much fun! I had never taken advantage of my old dancing friends before they moved away, and felt like I had missed out on a great opportunity. But I have new dancing friends now. Yay!
  • Saturday was Will's birthday, so there was more dancing at his party. And therefore, more fun.
  • A trend I noticed Saturday in my neighborhood: people going barefoot in the cold. Why? Not sure. It was only around 40 degrees that day. First, while walking both to and from Trader Joe's, I saw a woman wearing a tri-cornered hat like a revolutionary soldier marching down the street at a rapid pace barefoot, long wild hair trailing behind her beneath the hat. I think it's likely that she was crazy. A few minutes later, also on my way home from Trader Joe's, I saw a hippie riding a bicycle barefoot. Maybe he was trying to be one with the weather. I don't know. It was strange.
  • School is back in session, and I'm proud of myself for getting all my homework done for today last night. Yes, I didn't finish until midnight, so I only got 6 hours of sleep, but I feel really good that it's done.

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