Sunday, July 19, 2009

December in July

I went to the Decemberists show last night at Edgefield. It was great! Really, everything about it was great, except the literally mile-long line to get in. But the weather was nice, the venue was perfect for a summer night, the crowd was polite and thoughtful ("Can you see around me? Good."), and even though there were some families and kids there, which can sometimes be irritating, this time was actually really nice: everyone was having a lots of fun, and the parents were dancing with their kids. The opening acts were good, especially the first one, called Blind Pilot. The second one was pretty good, but had a whistling proclivity, which at first seemed clever, but got old and annoying pretty fast.
Oh yeah, and the Decemberists? FRICKING AWESOME! They came on all dressed in black and white, with a morbid wedding-type theme, and played pretty much their entire new album. Then there was a brief pause, in which some of the audience thought the show was over and left. BUT THEY WERE WRONG AND MISSED OUT. The band came back on and played their older stuff, which I love.
Here are some crummy photos I took with my cell phone:

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