Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Blame the Raccoons

So much for post-a-day. Oh well. But here's the latest (oh, yes, this is exciting). My lawn chair is missing. For a barbeque I had a while a go, I bought a cheap resin patio table and four matching chairs. Note that there are only three chairs in the photo. I just noticed that yesterday. At most, it's been missing a week. Why would anyone steal a cheap lawn chair? Seriously?
Chief Inspector Daye's theories on what happened:
  • Someone stole it, either because they wanted it, or for a joke.
  • They're pretty flimsy, so possibly someone, such as the gardeners, was rough with it, it broke, and they threw it out to hide what happened. (Unlikely.)
  • It blew away. (Unlikely.)
  • Food was spilled on it at some point, which attracted raccoons who wanted the food, so they tried to dip it in the pond to wash it--raccoons like to wash their food--but it just fell in. (I'll poke around in the pond later to see if this happened.)
That's the big excitement over here. Yes, I know you wish your lives had this much intrigue.

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