Monday, June 4, 2012

Yeah, Yeah, I Totally Forgot Again

So, considering all the stuff going on, I really forget about this. But here's the latest:

  • Fantastic SE Asian dinner last weekend: Cambodian chicken noodle soup (to put it mildly) cooked by Derek, and Vietnamese cabbage salad from me. It was a hot, spicy evening. ;)
  • Keys on the 15th (or have I already mentioned that?), moving on the 16th, and the kitties on the 17th. Derek will come a little later.
  • Escape from New York pizza, Manhattans, and Mad Men tonight. The taste of that pizza reminds me of when I lived off of NW 23rd. I was super angsty then, but it really was the best time ever. Lots of money (relatively speaking), boys, friends, going out, and acquiring fancy new things during that time. I hope that my new place will acquire certain flavors associated with it that make me just as happy.

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