Monday, March 24, 2008

Filler Until I Have Energy

A Few Items:
1. I'm too tired to put up an actual entry about my super-great vacation yet, but I swear I will soon.
2. I'm going to the Bon Iver concert tonight at Holocene. Yay! But yes, it will prolong my fatigue. So far, I am busy every night this week until Friday. Ugh. When will I catch up? But it's totally worth it.
3. My actual, highly frivolous posting/though for the day:
People's cars are a reflection of who they are. I've held this theory for quite a while, but it came back to the forefront of my brain this morning, due to an incident in the parking garage. So, in support of this theory, I present a survey of several of the guys I've dated and the cars they drove, culminating in my own car history. Obviously this is not an exhaustive list, and if I've dated you, but didn't list you, I apologize. These just made the biggest impression:

Very Nice Boyfriend 1: Very outdoorsy, not concerned/aware of labels or other status symbols. Comfortable and reliable. A real DIYer. His car (he still has it): a Subaru Legacy wagon (not actual cars pictured below, but similar)

Extreme Disaster 2 (Extreme Disaster 1 didn't have a car. Surprise, surprise.): To be diplomatic, I'll call him a country-type (I could definitely use a stronger label), conservative politics, bad dresser, listened to country music, when I saw his TRUCK, I should have known, and should have run away fast. A giant Chevy Silverado vanity truck on giant wheels. And you know what they say about American cars: poor style and completely unreliable. What the hell was I thinking?

Ongoing Source of Delight/Confusion/Angst: A little guy with a little car. A Honda Civic. How sensible. No frills, but gets the job done. Reliable in some ways, but breaks down occasionally, much like him. It's had some trouble, but keeps on going. Yes, it describes him too:

Last Guy I Kind Of/Sort of/A Little Bit/But Not Really Went Out With: An intellectual, ambivalent, but honestly, he had really good taste. Not necessarily practical, but definitely luxurious and definitely fun. He seemed to like the good things in life: fancy food, good wine, thrilling music, and nice cars. What did he drive? A BMW 325i.

And now, Me: My first car wasn't really mine; I didn't choose it, it was just given to me from my parents, so I feel it's not really applicable, so I won't include a photo of it. It was a 1990 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera. Sweeeeeet. But I guess it was appropriate, as I was a college student, and drove a hand-me-down car. Okay. I guess it applies.
Next, the first car I had a hand in choosing: a 1984 Honda Accord. It was old, but in really good shape. I loved that car. It developed problems, but kept on going (much like me). I learned how to drive a stick because of it. I miss driving a stick. Here is one that is similar (mine was in better shape):

After I got a full-time fancy job, I wanted a fancy car. And I wanted a wagon, as they are infinitly more useful. So I got a fancy, European wagon. In my opinion, it suits me perfectly (not to sound arrogant or anything). I like nice things, dammit. It's fancy, but not over-the-top fancy, as it is older. I think that corresponds to me finally having money, but not being rich yet. So what is it? a 1998 Volvo Cross Country. (My actual car pictured below).

So what do you think? Does my theory hold water? I think it does.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I agree. You can tell a lot about a person from the car they drive. I like to watch people going by at stop lights and try to figure them out based on the car they are driving. And a lot of times the conception you have of someone can totally be debunked when you see their car, and then you realize who they really are. I also think the level of mess in the passenger seat says a lot.