Saturday, November 28, 2009

Interesting Blog I Found

It's called Living Well, and the premise is a young family of three talking very openly about their financial situation with with goal of paying off all of their debt, including student loans, and eventually buying property while NOT using credit cards, and basically living off of only $2,000 a month. Can it be done? We'll see. This is of particular interest to me, because I'm presently trying to opt out of the whole working thing, and just go to school and live off of student loans, which would obviously necessitate some economizing, since I'll have approximately 1/6 of what I was making when I worked full time. Yeah, either that, or I win the lottery. Sigh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This gal, who lives in the PDX Metro Area... I found her through the article the Oregonian did on her almost a year ago... I find her interesting. Honest, if not revelation-ary... I will be more open to explain, if you desire, in perosn.