Monday, November 9, 2009

Scenes from 30

So this is my 200th post on this blog, and it depicts another monumental event: my 30th birthday party. That's right, the decline will begin now in earnest.
All you Facebook people probably already saw these photos, but here they are again, for the non-Facebook. I threw a "Mad Men" themed party, complete with 1960s era cocktails and snacks. I was very proud of my costume, I thought I looked rather authentic.
The guys all did a wonderful job of dressing up too--I was very impressed--every single one of them had on a tie. I'm beginning to think that 2009 guys actually like wearing suits and ties, since it's something out of the ordinary, and instantly makes them look good.
It was a fun party. Chelsea was extra pretty in spite of just getting over the flu; Alex was unusually on time; Derek did excellent German Frederick the fish impressions; Bruno was very Bruno; Victor brought fancy champagne, cheese, and a plant; Michelle was not radioactive, Gretchen1 did not fall in the mud; and Gretchen2 is now a delightful adult.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Looks like a very fun party--wish I could have been there!