Monday, April 14, 2008

Nose Picking: Overrated as a Crime?

Everyone tells little kids not to pick their nose. It's nasty, it's impolite, etc. etc. Sometimes, though, it's the only way to get some relief.
But before I left for vacation last month, my nose has been really dry. I was not the only one: one of my friends had been complaining of the same affliction. Then, being in the frigid Midwest, the air seemed much drier, and the dry nose problem was exacerbated. We were all complaining of hardened snot. Very, very uncomfortable.
Upon returning to Portland, the problem improved, but was not eliminated entirely.
A male "special" friend texted me, asking me what I was doing, and while I ought to be smooth and attractive and all that baloney around him, I sometimes just don't feel like it. So my reply was "nose picking." It took him quite a while to reply to that. I bet he was puzzled. I bet he assumed I was kidding.
But was I?

1 comment:

Michelle Lasley said...

I snorted I'm laughing so hard.