Yes, I know, I'm already deviating from my stated plan, but hey, it's my blog, I can structure it however I want.
Anyway, on Sunday, Bruno and I walked around the flea market which was in a very interesting neighborhood that appeared to have a significant Chinese population. I had no idea that there were Chinese people in Spain. I bought a really nice, really cheap (30 Euros) red leather purse at the market. Leathergoods were very inexpensive in Spain compared to the U.S. I could have sworn I took at least one photo of the market, but no, I can't find any. Here's one of the neighborhood it resides in, though:
After the market, Aldo picked us up and we drove to his sister Marina's house for a family visit. When we arrived, the only one home was his grandma, a very sweet, funny old lady who talked literally non-stop. She was very excited to see us. Not knowing that I don't know Spanish, she launched into some very lengthy story at me, I didn't know what to do, so I smiled, nodded, and said si a lot. Finally, Bruno told her that I didn't know Spanish. Everyone laughed.
The grandma brought us out slices of Jamon to nibble. They had the whole leg! I was so amazed. But I guess it's typical for people to have an entire leg of Jamon to slice at home:
So here are the family photos. Aren't they all so good-looking?
The guy in the middle is Ignacio, Marina's boyfriend. He's originally from Avila, and promotes it extensively.
Bruno, Aldo, and the Grandma, below:The pretty girl is Marina, Aldo's sister and Bruno's cousin.
The following blurry photos were taken while Aldo was driving us back to Madrid. Yes, I know they're blurry, but I still think they're sort of pretty, and give a little bit of an idea of the landscape.
After Aldo dropped us off, Bruno and wandered around Madrid a bit more. Probably, you've all heard me say "iPod changed my life." Well, Bruno coined a variation of it on that very night: "Tripod changed my life." Heh. Here's the historic center of town:
A park with eerie statues:
SmartPark meters, just like Portland!
A very realistic statue contemplating ancient ruins in the middle of the city:
Recognize this? It's the very same building used in the old film "Metropolis."
And here is another pretty building, but I've forgotten its significance:
That article doesn't allude to the goofiness of the deal. But I thought I'd share anyway. I think the company that makes the machines is French. But, I'm not sure...
Yeah, "Anonymous Weighs In" told me that they're going to sell the meters to a Canadian company, and rent them back from them.
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