Friday, August 22, 2008


I know I haven't finished all of my Europe posts yet. I know it's been over a month since I've gotten back. I swear I will, but here's what been going on this week: law school orientation. Yes, it's only been two days, but I'm fricken tired already. I sort of had some classes today, but they begin in earnest on Monday. Nonetheless, I've already had home due, plus more for the first day of class.

It was my last free Friday evening for....for I don't know how long (classes are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). Happy hour on Friday? This was my last chance. So I went to dinner at Pok Pok, a Thai restaurant in SE. It was delicious, and although I felt like I really ought to make the most of my last Friday evening, I'm too damn tired, and decided to go home after dinner. I might try to get a head start on my homework, but I might need a nap first.
All of my professors have said that we are all now a part of the legal profession. It sounds so serious...and so cool. No one ever said anything like that in graduate school.

I guess if I budget my time well, I'll be able to have fun on Wednesdays, or on the weekend. But I have to say, serving justice takes a lot out of you!

1 comment:

Michelle Lasley said...

Need any homemade bread or muffins to get you through?