Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Injuries, Fog, and Eventual Organization

So we moved in Sunday, and in spite of complaining, text-messaging movers, everything went well. But the entire downstairs was covered in boxes, to the point that it was difficult to walk, and the first night I cleared a path to the cereal cupboard and coffee maker, but other than that, the kitchen was pretty much unusable. I had no idea where most of my stuff was, including vital things like fish food and medications. Not knowing where my things are stresses me out.
But, I have awesome roommates. Joe unfortunately tried to chop his thumb off yesterday at work, but that meant he got to stay home the rest of the day. With the aid of magical Vicodin, he decided to get down to business organizing the kitchen. He was in the midst of that when I left for school last night.
Arriving home, Joe and Liz were seated in our cozy little "Reading Nook" chatting. Hmm. Things were looking a little better. Then I walked into the kitchen. HOLY CRAP!! Everything was put away! I could see the countertops and stove! It was amazing. I guess when Liz got home from work she joined Joe, and the two of them really got busy, and the results were miraculous. Thank you so much! Seeing that made me feel much better.
I still don't really know where a lot of stuff is, but that just takes time. But this morning, the kitchen was so clean that I was able to boil over my cream of wheat and make a big mess. I will clean it up this evening, I promise.
Yesterday, I discovered that driving from home to school takes much less time. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my computer with me to school, so I didn't have any of my notes, and was too tired to pay attention very well. But I'm on top of things today (I hope).
I still feel a little out of it, as in some box somewhere, I have some bills to pay, movies to watch, and my calendar to locate, but maybe tonight I will conquer that problem. Also the TV and stereo aren't set up, so I can't watch the weather report.

Driving to work was kind of fun this morning: it was very foggy, so I actually got to use my fog lights, and I found a more efficient route, and James Bonded a bit to the timing of The Killers. I also slept well last night.

It's starting to feel like home, and having roommates kind of forces me to be my better self. I think living with people is better for you.


Sunny said...

Congratulations on your new place. It sounds like you will enjoy having roomates.

Michelle Lasley said...

Congratulations on your new adventure! I hope the commutes continue to be stress-free.