Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Imminent Holiday Doom

Thanksgiving was a great success, despite apple pie that had been smooshed in a vegetable drawer overnight (I had worked so hard decorating it too! oh well), and a whipped cream misunderstanding and subsequent emergency. Both incidents had the same perpetrator, who shall remain nameless, and it wasn't me, just so you know. Both were also resolved, fortunately.
As a funny aside, once the whipping cream problem was discovered, said perpetrator suggested, in all earnestness, that we just try to whip the cream that had chives swimming in it and was presently flavored with essence of potato. That idea was obviously vetoed.

The roommate situation is still going well, aside from me acting like a self-pitying baby Saturday night.

Finals are next week and the one after. I have three. I plan on studying like mad. I am also pleased to report that due to the fact that finals are graded on a curve, it is an extremely rare thing for anyone to fail them. Not that I would do that badly, but it's still reassuring to hear.
After that, I will be FREE for almost a month. But, it is the dreaded, depressing holiday season. Joe and Liz are going back to their respective home states from Christmas to New Year's Eve, and I fear extreme loneliness during that period. Bruno will still be here, but he works really late sometimes. I'll probably end up missing Joe the most because we have the same schedules: we drive to work together, go home together, and laugh at each other. It's like having a sidekick. Liz has been coming home really late recently, not sure what she's up to.
I tried to pre-empt the Christmas doom by attempting to make travel plans. Lufthansa was having a big 1-day sale on flights to Europe a couple months ago, and since running away on the Fourth of July worked so well, I thought, well, why not Christmas?
But my prospective travel companion actually likes (???) Christmas, and wanted to be in town for it. So that would kind of defeat the purpose. Plus, I realized I couldn't really afford it. So I'm stuck in town all by myself. I hate Christmas and I really hate New Year's Eve. Both tend to make me feel like crap. Holidays are great if you have a family and/or get invited to lots of stuff, but if neither is the case, as is my case, it just kind of makes you wish you were never born.
Top 5 Most Depressing Holidays:
1. New Year's Eve
2. Valentine's Day
3. Christmas
4. Thanksgiving (not this year, though!)
5. Fourth of July

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