Monday, December 15, 2008

Yay! Snow!

It snowed all day yesterday, the first really good, earnest snow in probably four years. Blowing snow, howling wind, below freezing temperatures all day. Here's our cute house in the snow:

I tried to go out for a walk, but my friend texted me, saying she would be coming over soon (houses, as opposed to apartments, are the place to be when it snows--three people came over yesterday), so I promptly dropped my cell phone in the snow, and turned back towards home. No harm done, though. The phone, although a little scratched, works just fine.
Chompsky was blinded by the white.

Funny hat brigade.
The kitties weren't too sure about the snow though.

Today is bright and sunny, but super cold. 25 degrees right now, but with the windchill, it feels like 13. Brrrr.
And I have two finals to take this week, but Lewis and Clark was closed today. I was aiming to finish my unscheduled one tomorrow, but we'll see if the law school is open or not. If it's not, I guess that just means I will have extra time to study. The school is in a woodsy, somewhat hilly area, and it's probably more difficult to get around there than it is down in the city. We'll see. It's supposed to snow again Wednesday, and then revert back to sunny but frigid, like today. No sign of melting in the next week. Honestly, I'm enjoying it.
Yesterday, when Andrea and Bruno's mom were over, we all cooked: Bruno whipped up a frittata and fried potatoes, Liz and Andrea baked chocolate chip butterscotch chip oatmeal cookies, and I made Amish Friendship bread (the bread that self-propagates). It was a great lunch. Then later on, although Andrea and Emma were gone, Alex showed up, and Joe came home from work, so we ordered pizza, watched the hysteria-inducing weather updates, and played an epic, four and a half hour game of Monopoly.
It was an excellent day.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Ah man, that sounded like fun! Thanks for letting me crash a bit. I would have been very sad to enjoy this snow alone. I'm glad I got a chance to hang out with friends in a warm and cozy home, with food!