Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lost the Thread

Remember a long time ago I said that I felt inspired to write a story? I got a couple paragraphs in, got distracted, and never finished it. I lost all of my ideas since then. But I'm not a quitter: I'm working on something new today, something I won't forget. And, I'm trying to be proactive about this whole writing thing. I found someone looking to form a writing group on craigslist, contacted her, and once she's back in town it will hopefully get going. And I can hopefully talk a couple of my friends into it too (the writer types, obviously, not the engineering types).


Michelle Lasley said...

So, a writing group, eh? Could you please include me on any potential communications regarding a writing group? I've been wanting something that encompasses non-fiction pontifications...

Laura said...

Sure! It's either going to be once a week or once a month. The girl who's interested is out of town right now.

Michelle Lasley said...

Thanks! No hurry, I've been desiring participation in a writing group for months. Either (weekly or monthly) sounds great. Do you know if you were thinking Downtown as a meeting place or this is all up in the air because the other girl is, as you said, out of town?

Anonymous said...

I'm starting an engineering group, if you're interested in that too...