Saturday, March 14, 2009

Postal Service Boxes=The Height of Fashion

I was walking from the parking garage to the office this morning, and saw what at first glance appeared to be an ordinary bag lady standing on the lower level. Then I realized what was catching my attention: she was wearing a United States Postal Service box on her head like a hat. Obviously, I stared at her. She smiled at me--a surprisingly lucid, normal smile. Weird.

Tonight I discovered that this is not an isolated event: one of my friends works at Kitchen Kaboodle (a housewares store for those of you not aware of Portland-based businesses), and noticed that this woman was standing outside of the store blocking the door. When my friend asked her to move along, box-hat woman pulled the box down over her head and pretended she couldn't hear her.
My roommate also has encountered her. She asked him to buy her ice cream (not just a cone, mind you, but a couple of pints), and when he wouldn't, she said she put a curse on him.

I think box-hat woman might just have made my day.

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