Friday, May 1, 2009

Two-Pronged Test for Finals Success

Studying is going well--a million times better than last semester, but I don't think I'm going to take my unscheduled final tomorrow. In terms of timing, it just doesn't make sense. If I spend all day tomorrow working on Civ Pro, which I would have to do in order to be ready to take the test at 6, then I'll probably be too tired to do well on it, and I'll end up not having enough time to study for Contracts and Constitutional law, which actually do have scheduled exam dates. So I'm going to put down Civil Procedure for now, and take up Contracts, and work on that tomorrow and Sunday, so I'll be ready for that test Monday. And on Monday, I'll start on Constitutional Law, so that I'll be ready for that on Wednesday. Then I could take the Civil Procedure test Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Yes, that's a week later than I hoped, but I think it will all work out better this way. I spent all day today studying. The only time I went outside today was to pay rent and get my mail. I'm frickin tired.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Good luck with your exams!