Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mad Men

Holy crap, I love this show. It's set in the early 1960's in the Madison Avenue advertising scene, it depicts an era I know little about. My parents were teenagers at that point, and I wonder, were peoples' attitudes and demeanor really like that? Was it actually acceptable for men at the office to act like a bunch of jackass 15-year olds and drink all day? Were women really that repressed and talked down to? How would I have fared if I was 29 years old in 1960? I can relate to little bits of each of the female characters, but not one as a whole:
  • Betty: being generally thought of as quiet and sweet, but suddenly, occasionally, exploding.
  • Peggy: Quiet and often made fun of, but with a lot more going on beneath the surface.
  • Joan: Cynical and tactless, but actually well-meaning.
  • Rachel: Ambitious and very independent, but lonely.
Amazing clothes and sets. Really evokes [what I imagine to be] the atmosphere of the era.

I've been watching this from Netflix, and, if stupid Comcast had given me the adapter box (which they were supposed to, but refused--grrr!), I would still be getting AMC and would be able to watch the third season as it aired. Something needs to be done about that!

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