Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Just Saw Sandra Day O'Connor

I go to an awesome law school. Supreme Court Justices O'Connor and Kennedy are here for a conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Federal Judicial Center.
I wasn't sure if I was going to make it in time to the Q&A with Sandra Day O'Connor, but I did. There were towncars parked out front of the legal research center, all naturally surrounded by secret service agents complete with earpieces. I walk inside, and there are more secret service agents, as well as a bomb sniffing dog. Ooh, the excitement!
Sandra Day O'Connor is best described as a feisty, witty old lady. The Q&A ended up being more biographical than educational, but that's okay. I mean seriously, how many of you can say that two Supreme Court justices visited your law school?
Yup. That's what I thought.
I am so happy to be attending Lewis & Clark.


Michelle Lasley said...

That's great! I read about it and then forgot to put it in my calendar. Did you have any questions you would have liked to ask given an opportunity?

Laura said...

No, I hadn't really gotten that far. I just wanted to listen and observe.