Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Little Update

Alright, sorry folks, I know I haven't posted anything in quite a while, but I just don't have much free time. My parents (and some strangers) read this blog occasionally, so I can't talk about everything, but here's the general rundown of Laura life:
I'm overwhelmed with law school and really need to figure out a way to live cheaper and therefore achieve more free time. Plus, my rent got raised. Hence:
I'm moving.
Yup, that's right.
Really, including myself, three (!) tenants are moving. I've been mulling it over for a few months, but a meltdown last week made it official. I need to find somewhere cheaper to live, and that means having roommates. But that's okay! It's even going to be fun! My friend Liz has been wanting to move because her apartment is too expensive too, so I finally told her I was up for it. Then, my neighbor stopped by on the night of said meltdown, bearing chocolate/cheese/cake, and I told him of my plans, and he said he was thinking of moving too (everyone's rent was raised). So now all three of us (me, Liz, neighbor Joe) are looking for a super swank house to rent. We all like to cook, we all like to garden, we're all fairly quiet and clean, so it should be a success. Plus, Liz has three cats! I love kitties! And, they're supposed to reduce stress, which I'm definitely looking forward to.
So, once we find a house, everything should be cake. After that, if a said 29-year-old could figure himself out and get over his identity crisis (why fight fate, dammit?), then everything will be peachy keen.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Thank God someone likes my cats!!! :)