Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Greatest Hit: Moleslaughter?

The last few days, I've been getting lots of hits on this blog with people using the search term "moleslaughter." Seriously. From all over the country. Iowa, Texas, you name it.

Holy Crap! I just did an image search using the term "moleslaughter" and every single image was from my blog. Five pages of Google Images all from my blog. Not just the "Moleslaughter" post (in which I wrote about how I thought I had stepped on and killed a mole in my garden, but it turned out to be a mouse--still quite traumatic), but pretty much everything I posted.
But now, this turn of events begs the question: why are so many people suddenly using the search term "moleslaughter"? Is it the time of year where moles become a big problem? Are farmers turning to the internet searching for novel methods of mole removal? Are they so frustrated that they use the violent and bloody search term of "moleslaughter"?

Well, anyway, enjoy the new naughty mole pic at the top of this post.

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