Wednesday, March 4, 2009

List of Abominations

The following are phrases, tired, old, over-used phrases, by people who lack imagination, that I hear on a daily basis. I think they believe that by talking in cliché, they sound professional or something. Well, they don't, they just sound boring. Without further ado, here is a list of phrases and words I never want to hear again:
  • He/she has a lot on his/her plate
  • Grab lunch
  • Utilize
  • Touch base
  • On the same page
  • Any other baseball analogy
That's all I can think of at the moment, and those are definitely the most grating. When I remember more, I'll add to this list.


Klaus Varley said...

"On the same page" is a baseball analogy? I will be sure to stop using it.

Laura said...

No no. But "touch base" is. I just meant it generally. Maybe I should reposition that for clarity.

Michelle Lasley said...

I've hated "touch base" or any derivative of for almost 10 years. What I hate most is that I find myself using it to communicate with those I fear wouldn't understand anything else.

Want to borrow our Video of Office Space? Might be a good time to watch it...

Thanks for sharing!

Klaus Varley said...

Baseball analogies are the worst. Who needs them?!? When I go into a meeting, I typically knock it out of the park by first touching bases, then dodging any curveballs while driving my point home.

Laura said...

That just made me snicker in the middle of Civil Procedure. Now everyone's probably wondering what was so funny about Gasperini v. Center for Humanities.

Klaus Varley said...

Funny you should mention that, a post about "snickering" in law school is coming up on 3/16.

You might say it's on deck.


Laura said...


Michelle--I finally saw "Office Space" while conscious. Thanks for the offer though.