Thursday, April 23, 2009

Parks & Recreation = The Office

I'm watching "Parks and Recreation" for the first time tonight, and, I have to say, it appears to be a ripoff of "The Office," but instead paper, they deal with parks, and instead of Michael Scott, there's a woman. But it has similar timing, and the characters speak directly to the camera, just like they do on "The Office."
Verdict: Not impressed.
It is way too obviously a copy. One of the actresses from "The Office" is even in this show. They really should have tried harder, or been more creative.

As a sidenote, I am admitting to having quite possibly one of the unhealthiest dinners on record: a crueller, a maple bar, and a scofflaw cocktail. Yes, it's shameful. I'll do better tomorrow. I'm too tired to eat properly, and for some reason, real food just didn't seem appetizing.

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