Monday, June 8, 2009

Return to Status Quo

The first week I was back I kept on falling asleep early, and then waking up REALLY early, sometimes 5:00 a.m. The plus side was that I was on time to work every day. Sometimes, I was even the first person there.
But I'm back to my normal self. I went to bed late all weekend, and this morning I didn't wake up until my alarm went off, and then pressed snooze twice. I was ten minutes late to work (normally, I'm 20 minutes late). So I'm getting back on track! Maybe tomorrow I'll be 20 minutes late.

I really am a bit inept in certain social situations, hence "just call me Liz Lemon." But then, maybe everyone is, they just hide it better, or fidget less as a result of it.

I really thought I had more to write about, but this post turned out boring. Life is actually kind of exciting these days, but I can't discuss it right now. Oh well. Sorry.

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