Friday, June 12, 2009

Seriously Now

I'm rejoining the gym.

I turned into a tub of lard over the school year, due to sitting all day at work, and then sitting all evening at school. Bad news. Feel gross. I had so many nice clothes before, but now one of my favorite pairs of jeans doesn't fit, and I don't look any good in the clothes that do still fit. I saw photos of myself from my recent vacation, and it wasn't good (that's why most of the photos I posted don't have me in them). What a waste!

So I want to lose 23 pounds. I want to fit in my old clothes again. I want to take care of this before it turns into a huge (literally) problem. I eat well, much better than most people, so the issue is exercise. Fat aside, I know I'm WAY out of shape. I've got an appointment this afternoon to re-register. Since I quit the same gym less than a year ago, hopefully they'll still have my info on hand, and I won't have to pay a registration fee. That would be nice. I'll even get a trainer or something. Something needs to be done. The membership guy seemed to think I could get rid of the weight in 2 months or so. That would be awesome!

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Good luck! I am battling the exact same thing. I refuse to buy new clothes because I have two brand new pairs of jeans in my closet from when I lost all the weight last summer.