Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This Mouse Owes Me $500

The garage just called. Apparently, a mouse built a nice, cozy little home for himself in my car with old cigarette butts, which clogged everything up.
I plan on pressing charges for illegal squatting and smoking in a designated no-smoking zone, and will have his wages garnished until it comes to $500 to pay for the repair of my car.


Michelle Lasley said...

So... I'm just curious... does this count as added social-ness to your social life? ;O) I mean... interactions with the mouse, a basic party every time you drove, meeting the tow-truck driver, the mechanics... How does that work?

Klaus Varley said...

You car just needs more cats.

Anonymous said...

A nurse at work found a hole in her car seat one day and mouse poop. Set a trap and caught a mouse. Still poop. Set another trap and got one more. A third trap caught the last one.No more poop.