Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dwarfs and Sam Adams Meet the Big Sleep

I think there must be some sort of convention in town, because I saw more dwarfs (is that that the politically correct term? Or do they prefer "Little People"?) in person yesterday than I have the rest of my life put together. While out wandering around during my lunch break, I saw what at first appeared to be two unsupervised toddlers waiting at the streetcar stop. But as I got closer, I realized that one had a mustache, and the other had breasts. Not toddlers, but dwarfs!
Then, as I was leaving work, I saw another dwarf-man standing outside of Caffe Umbria.
Something must be going down. (Ha!)

Speaking of Caffe Umbria, I saw Commissioner Sam Adams outside it enjoying a coffee today, also as I was on my way home from work. It's a pity he's gay, since he's so hot (although he does look rather silly in this photo).

Finally, I think I might be regressing back to how I was supposed to be during my teenage years: I can't for the life of me get up on time in the morning. I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep each night, but apparently, that's not enough. Or I'm allergic to my alarm clock. Yes, that's probably it.
But seriously, in high school, I had to wake up at 7:00 at the latest, and I always did. Now, as supposedly an adult, I'm finding it difficult to rise before 8:00. So now 9:00 a.m. is really more like 9:15, 9:25. I always have good intentions the night before: "Tomorrow, I really will wake up on time. Maybe I'll even get up early enough to go to Ken's for breakfast and then walk to work."
But it rarely happens.

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