Monday, February 4, 2008

A Little Overwhelmed....

I've got a crapload of work lately, as well as a lack of concentration. Result: UGGGGHHH!
And, did I also mention that I'm supposed to be studying to take the CIPM (Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement) test in April?
In addition, there is a blueberry-infused oatmeal situation on my kitchen floor, as well as a trail of orchid potting mix leading from my hallway to my bathtub that needs taking care of (I repotted my orchids on Saturday). Oh yeah, and I have a social life too, which happens to be super-exciting of late (lots of new friends and interest).
Here's my task list for work for this month:
1.Los Angeles Fire and Police 4Q2007 Performance Report, due??
2. All Clients 4Q2007 Market Overview, due 2/4/2008
3. Hawaii Employees’ Retirement System 4Q2007 Performance Report, due 2/5/2008
4. Scholarshare Investment Board RFP, due 2/9/2008
5. Directors Guild of America 4Q2007 Performance Report, due 2/12/2008
6. Directors Guild of America January Flash Report, due 2/12/2008
7. East Bay Municipal Utility District 4Q2007 Performance Report, due 2/15/2008
8. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power RFP, due 2/28/2008
9. California State Teachers Retirement System 4Q2007 Semi-Annual Board Report, due 2/29/2008

It looks like a lot, but I know I will get it all done. (I have to.) Actually, I know I will be feeling better about it all after tomorrow, as two BIG items will be done.

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