Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Seeing Red

Weezer's new Red Album came out today! I'm so excited! I gave it a once-over on iTunes (it's awesome, reminiscent of Pinkerton days, my favorite Weezer CD), and am definitely going to buy it. Maybe even tonight, if I have enough energy to walk to the CD store. Yes, that's right, I said CD store. I'm old-school like that. I like having the case to display and the booklet to read. Sure, I could download it from iTunes and then burn it onto a CD, but, no case and booklet. I enjoy the full package. Plus, CDs have way better sound quality than mp3s. Not that I'm against mp3s or anything, because they definitely come in handy, and, as I've said before, iPod changed my life. But Weezer deserves the very best. They're one of my all-time favorite bands.
Not sure what's up with the cowboy hats and Burt Reynolds mustaches though. Rivers was always so cute.

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