Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend Update

Stupid Laura forgot her camera for literally all of last weekend's events. And there were quite a few.

I'll begin with an update on the Moleslaughter incident: turns out, it wasn't Moleslaughter, but rather Mouseslaughter. The corpse was still there Friday night, so Alex had the courage to pick up the poor little guy and lay him to rest in the compost bin. Wait a second! Poor little guy! That's not right! As my friend Liz said, now we're even. A mouse killed my car a few weeks ago by setting up camp in the air filter (see "This Mouse Owes me $500" post), so I guess now I killed the mouse. Probably not the same mouse, but he might have been related to the little bastard. It was sort of like a Mafia hit, I guess.

Friday night I went to a party, and while I'm not usually very good at parties, I did pretty well at this one, and even ended up making a couple of new friends. Yay!
Saturday night was Bruno's graduation party, which I REALLY was supposed to bring my camera for. Naturally, I forgot. It was a lot of fun, Bruno's extended family was there, so I met them for the first time. For the first time ever, Bruno appeared to be over-stimulated. Usually he's the overstimulator, rather than overstimulatee, or whatever. But when you're hungry, drained, and surrounded by a million people who all want to talk to you, I guess even the most stimulating can become over-stimulated. Amazing.

After my parents left Bruno's graduation party, they apparently stopped off at a grocery store. Shopping done, they returned to their car, and were just about to get in when they witnessed an armed robbery in process at the adjacent video rental store they were parked in front of. The sound of glass shattering, followed by one of the perpetrators running like greased lightening from the shop, greeted my astonished parents. My dad looked down, and noticed that the thief had dropped a big kitchen knife under their car. So they got in and locked the doors. Two more thieves raced out the store behind the first one; one of them noticed the dropped knife, and picked it up. The police came, accumulated information, and later notified everyone that two of the three criminals had been found and arrested. That's a lot of excitement for my parents.

So I had a busy weekend, and never got home before 2 a.m. I'm tired.


Sunny said...

I'm tired reading about all that excitement, seriously. Wow! Armed robbery, that musta been kinda scary for your parents. Everyone is alright though right?

Laura said...

Yes, I think so, although apparently there was a trail of blood through the video store. My parents didn't know where it came from, but thought maybe it was from the clerk who chased the robbers. Maybe he got a little slashed or something.

Michelle Lasley said...

What else is there to say except, "Wow!"?