Monday, June 23, 2008

Touch of Grey

I've noticed something: every advertisement that is targeted at men has women in it (yes, I realize that this is not an epiphany). Beer, Viagra (well, duh!), hair dye, razors, redneck cars, fast food. You name it. Buy this product, and you'll attract women! Never actually true though. If you're an idiot, hair dye won't help.
This confirms my suspicion that guys are lame. Their sole motivation in life is women. Advertisements for women, on the other hand, occasionally feature men, but usually, the women in the ad put them down or mock them in some way. Interesting.
Women are also stupid (myself included). Women usually only want the men that are somehow unavailable. Why?
Hair dye never helps anyone, really.


Michelle Lasley said...

Hair dye helps me have fun with my hair.

That said, you know what advertisements confuse me? Phone sex ads that come on late at night. I happen to watch late night television, like 'Sex and the City' on the CW at 12:30am. You've got Interactive Male and Red Hot and others all advertising chatting and meeting. Who are they advertising to during a show that would by my best guess attract female viewers and gay men?

Laura said...

Interactive Male is clearly targeted towards gay men.